Dr. Nelson Ramirez

About Me

Dr. Nelson Ramírez Cuello

Doctor and Surgeon graduated from the University of Cartagena, with Masters in Biological Medicine from the International Academy of Homotoxicology-IAH and Integrative Medicine of the Peoples University of Europe-UPE, Diploma in Integrative Medicine University of Tolima – UNITOLIMA, with more than 25 years in the field of medicine, of which I have dedicated more than 12 years to the practice of Integrative Medicine, professional with great vocation of service and permanent availability for my



Values I demonstrate in my services

Ethical Conduct

Good Attention

Patient Safety


Integrative Physician Profile

The Specialist Physician in Integrative Medicine should not only know the advances in complementary medicine worldwide, but should also know and manage the new concepts and achievements of conventional or allopathic medicine, as his specialty requires to keep nourished and updated their knowledge of both philosophical aspects.

Locate me

The Executives Medical Center, Office 409, Cartagena  de Indias, Bolívar, Colombia